September 10th
Glenn and Stephanie Izard have put together a great run for the Club to enjoy up in the Ventura area! They will lead us through the Santa Monica mountains for a scenic cruise down into Camarillo where we will get special parking next to the airstrip at the Waypoint Cafe. After brunch, we will head over to the Mullen Automotive Museum to check out a collection of very rare automobiles from the past.
For details on this event, please check our Forum post Ventura Run
Thank you Paul and Pam for putting together the SD Beach House Run. It was a great turnout and magnificent beach weather. Our National VCA President, Marv Spatz came out and spoke to the group about all the upcoming news and events at the National level.
*** In October we will be traveling to Sedona to do a joint event with our friends in the Arizona Club. They have been working hard to set everything up and we already have quite a few members signed up for this event. We have made special arrangements with the Talking Stick Resort as our host hotel. The first block of 10 rooms has already been reserved at a rate of $125.00/night. We were able to talk them into holding the rate for the next few weeks at $125.00 but as we draw closer to October the rates WILL GO UP. Please check your calendars and make your reservations early. This will be a very fun trip that you won’t want to miss out on.
For details on this event, please check our Forum post Sedona Run
Upcoming events:
September 10th Ventura Run
September 24th Nino & Ruth’s BBQ
October 8-9“ Willow Springs Raceway w/Speed Ventures
October 21-23“ Sedona, AZ
October 22-23 – Willow Springs Raceway w/West Coast Racing
If you have not already renewed your VCA membership, I encourage you to take a moment and do so. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact our Membership Director, Art via email… [email protected] or Click here to learn more.
On behalf of your 2011-2012 SoCal Viper Club Board Members, Thank You for your participation and support.
We look forward to seeing everyone out at the events throughout the year.
Lance Kouchi
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