“The Viper is not for everyone. We knew that going in. This car is for the enthusiast who wants a great driving car and nothing more.
Past President of Chrysler Corporation, former Marine fighter pilot and European rally driver
January 1992
Who We Are

Rome wasn’t built in a day; nor was the SoCal Viper Club. The folks who have donated their time to take on the leadership of the SoCal Viper Club have done so out of love of the Viper and a desire to promote the driving experience of the Vipers. With Vipers having no traction control up through 2011, and so much torque and power, the SoCal Viper Club has always been passionate about helping Viper owners learn how to safely drive their cars. The Car Control Clinic has become a popular annual event that helps Viper owners learn their limits with these cars. The many track, social and driving events the SoCal Viper Club provides throughout each year gives all members an opportunity to enjoy and learn about their cars as well as to socialize with other Viper owners.
Marilyn Cocolin was the President and founder of the Viper Club of Southern California. The Officers at that time planned and conducted the first VIPERFEST! at Coronado with extensive support from Dodge. This eventually became the model for all future Zone Rendezvous. Professional photographers and delegates were sent by Dodge to document the event, and to observe first-hand the enthusiasm of the new Viper Nation.
The prime directive of the SoCal Viper Club was then, and always has been, TO ENHANCE THE VIPER OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE.
Thanks to the efforts of the past Presidents as well as the enthusiasm and outright friendliness of the Southern California Viper owners, as of 2010 the Southern California Viper Club is the largest Viper Club in the world.