About Albert Fattal

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So far Albert Fattal has created 145 blog entries.

The Fastest track in the West

By |2012-03-01T08:31:33-08:00March 1st, 2012|Events|

Get your speed fix at Willow Springs International Raceway March 3rd and 4th The Vipers always do really well at WSIR and the weather forecast looks great for this event. It will be 9 turns [...]

Terranea Cruise and Sunday Brunch

By |2012-01-21T16:17:45-08:00January 21st, 2012|Events|

January 29th Terranea is a $485 million dollar Resort sitting on a beautiful property overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the backside of Palos Verdes. We will be meeting in Torrance and taking a nice drive [...]

Dyno Day at DC Performance

By |2012-01-07T15:22:51-08:00January 7th, 2012|Events|

January 14th Dan Cragin and DC Performance has stepped up again and is sponsoring this event for the So Cal Club. We have rescheduled this event for January 14th !!! This is a great way [...]

Member’s Holiday Party

By |2011-12-06T15:13:21-08:00December 6th, 2011|Events|

December 3rd The Holiday Party at the Malloy Foundation was too much fun. Thank you all for coming out and sharing the Holiday Spirit with us. All the donation items for the Orangewood Childrens Home [...]

Member’s Holiday Party

By |2011-11-15T13:42:41-08:00November 15th, 2011|Events|

December 3rd Being a VCA member has its privileges and the Annual Holiday Party is one of them. At last year's Holiday Party, the Club Members were given private tours of the Vault below the [...]

Dyno Day @ DC Performance

By |2011-11-02T13:36:55-07:00November 2nd, 2011|Events|

November 12th 9:00 - 5:00 POSTPONED due to rain Dan Cragin and DC Performance has stepped up again and is sponsoring this event for the So Cal Club. Come out early and enjoy Coffee and [...]

Sedona, AZ Run

By |2011-10-02T13:36:46-07:00October 2nd, 2011|Events|

October 21st - 23rd The Southern California Viper Club will travel east to do a joint event with the Arizona Viper Club. We will make the drive out to Phoenix AZ on Friday, October 21st. [...]

Nino & Ruth’s BBQ and Run

By |2011-09-18T10:31:12-07:00September 18th, 2011|Events|

September 24th Every year Nino and Ruth invite the Club up to their beautiful home for a great spread of food and drink. They are great hosts and cooks, and I look forward to this [...]

Ventura Run

By |2011-09-06T10:24:51-07:00September 6th, 2011|Events|

September 10th Glenn and Stephanie Izard have put together a great run for the Club to enjoy up in the Ventura area! They will lead us through the Santa Monica mountains for a scenic cruise [...]


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