Fast Eddie got us set up for a fun morning at the Porsche Experience Center in Carson. We will arrive early for their Morning Shift Cars and Coffee. There will be a great collection of cars there and parking will be on a first come first served basis. The Porsche Café will be open for anyone who wants something to eat.
We reserved 2 hours in their Simulator Lab which allows 5 guys at a time to be linked up on the same track and run against each other. Simulator sessions begin at 9:00am
Also available to us is the Porsche Driving Experience modules. You choose from a variety of different modules and go out on one of their dedicated road courses to test drive their factory Porsches.
If this is of interest to you, we suggest you make your reservation well in advance of our Simulator Event on June 1st to ensure that you will get to go out. These driving experiences fill up quickly.
For more information or to reserve a spot for one of the modules, please go to their website and book your spot direct with them https://www.porschedriving.com/porsche-experience-center-los-angeles/experiences/driving-experiences