GENERAL DISCUSSIONS => Miscellaneous Discussions => Topic started by: Newport Viper on July 12, 2009, 08:31:33 AM

Title: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: Newport Viper on July 12, 2009, 08:31:33 AM
Wowwwwwwwww incredible event! Just amazing. Going to drive the Ring tomorrow. What a weekend!
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: Kala on July 12, 2009, 08:39:01 AM
AWESOME! Hope you can get a video of driving the RING!
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: PCH VIPER on July 14, 2009, 10:44:27 AM
Here are some of the pictures that Newport sent me:
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: PCH VIPER on July 14, 2009, 10:48:50 AM
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: PCH VIPER on July 14, 2009, 11:01:15 AM
from Newport:

Well we have concluded our racing weekend in Nurburgring. :( ...... :(........ It was incredible incredible incredible incredible!

Driving on the Autobahn on a Sunday morning was a blast my rental was winding out at 200kph... I was getting passed like I was standing still. As all kinds of high performance cars were headed to the F1 race. How great. For those of you they don't know the road has very few speed limits on it. It was 175 kilometers from Frankfurt to Nurburgring. It went by quickly. ;)
Formula 1 on Sunday was a great event.
It was a thousand times better then being a spectator at the F1 race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To qoute Ferris Buller " if you have the means...... I highly recommend it!"
Here is a link below for those not familiar with it. There are two tracks there the F1 track and the 14 mile world famous Nurburgring " The Ring"

The weather was perfect. We waited for Mercedes to get done testing some cars. It cost around $100 dollars per four laps. There were about 100 cars and 50 motorcycles ready to run. The gates open and. You use what they call the ring card to pay for your laps. It operates a toll both type gate to let you on the track.

There are 73 turns and super long straight aways. It was amazing to see the different types of cars and bikes anything and everything. I can't even put it into words how great it is to drive here. I have no photos of the drive because I was alittle busy. :)

The next best part is that a my friend Lance gave us a beautifully embroidered SoCal viper club emblem. We got great pics of it around town and people were so curious and asked us questions about it. Once we exhausted the photo opps we had lunch at what is called the Devils Diner right at the starting line for the Ring. We asked the waitress if we could have it hung up for all to see. She called over the owner Deitmar and he was so excited to talk about it. He is very good friends with Andreas Gulden team zakspeed 2004 who raced Vipers in the 24 hour race at the Ring. He immediately broke out the mounting gear and put it over Andreas viper photo! Very cool for the club to have a presence  at the Ring forever! Thanks Lance!

The castle below is in Nurberg.

The Porsche below got a little roughed up but it looks like the paint will buff out. LOL!

Gee I wonder if the Porsche was the car Newport drove around the Ring ??!!
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: ViperX on July 14, 2009, 05:04:33 PM
Cool pics.

Looks like Dave did Deutschland!

Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: Vypr Phil on July 14, 2009, 10:12:23 PM
Hey Dave,

Thanks for the Ring pictures, they sure bring back a few memories!

Have a great time out there, maybe you should stay until Oktoberfest (which is celebrated in September) and "fully immerse yourself" in the German experience.

200 Km/h seems to be about average speed on some autobahn stretches, doesn't it?

It gets real fun when you are barreling down at 300 Km/h and passing cars going 120-130 km/h, you just HOPE they stay in their lanes, which by the way are much narrower than our US Interstates.

Thanks for posting these great pictures Lance!

And the red Porsche doesn't need buffing out at all! Just needs alignment: align the suspension, align the body panels...

Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: Newport Viper on July 15, 2009, 07:16:02 AM
Not my Porsche thank goodness! Thx to Lance for posting up my cell pics. My computer I brought crash while traveling and I had no way to post pics. Got great pics on my regular camera. The Ring is amazing. So far been to London Brussels Amsterdam Copenhagen Stockholm Berlin Frankfurt Nurberg Zurich Innsbruck tomorrow then off to Italy France Spain Ireland and Scotland then home in another month whew!
Title: Re: Formula 1 Germany!
Post by: Newport Viper on July 15, 2009, 07:23:23 AM
Oh forgot to give props to Prague very very pretty area.