Pistons & Pin-ups Car Show Kick-off Event

Started by Catbert, January 25, 2022, 08:47:19 PM

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Pistons & Pin-ups Kick-off
Car Show Event

  • Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022
  • 1788 E. Willow Street, Signal Hill, CA
  • 8:00 am thru 11:00 am
*future events: first Sunday monthly
*free to all!
*if raining event will be cancelled

Pistons & Pin-ups is the newest entry into the worldwide Cars & Coffee phenomenon. This event combines the fascination of pin-up models with the love of cars. Pin-up models will be present to pose for photo ops with those bringing show cars and with spectators, too.

While open to all car marquees, it would be super to have a number of Vipers attend and park as a group. Then, we can call this line-up "House of Slytherin"... something that will make for great photos ops especially with the five pin-up models who will be in attendance.Please RSVP and contact me so I can make special arrangements.

Stephen VamVaketis  [email protected]  mobile 949.422.1341
"Nothing happens until something moves."